Excel ternary diagram
Excel ternary diagram

excel ternary diagram excel ternary diagram

The main model parameters of the Extended UNIQUAC model are the binary interaction parameters, which are determined from binary and ternary experimental data. The phase diagrams cover both solid-liquid equilibrium (SLE), vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) and liquid-liquid equilibrium (LLE). Calculated phase diagrams are plotted along with experimental data from the open literature in order to demonstrate the accuracy of the model. Examples of such phase diagrams are given on these pages. The accuracy of the model is best illustrated by displaying calculated and experimental phase diagrams together. These properties can therefore also be reproduced by the model. Also experimentally measured thermal properties such as heat of dilution, heat of solution, and apparent molal heat capacity for salt solutions were used for the determination of model parameters. The experimental data include solid-liquid equilibrium data as well as experimentally measured activity and osmotic coefficients from the open literature. The parameters of the model are based on a large amount of experimental data which enables the model to describe the phase behavior and the thermal properties of solutions containing electrolytes with great accuracy. The model has been documented through a number of publications in international scientific journals. The Extended UNIQUAC model is a thermodynamic model for aqueous solutions of electrolytes and non-electrolytes. The phase diagrams displayed on these pages are calculated with the Extended UNIQUAC thermodynamic model. At this site, the focus is on phase diagrams of aqueous solutions containing salts, amines, or sour gases that create electrolytic solutions. Phase diagrams are constructed and used for all types of compounds. Process design, simulation, and optimization can be made more efficiently when such phase diagrams are available. Still phase diagrams for binary, ternary, quaternary, and even quinary solutions are valuable tools for visualizing the process conditions required to achieve a specific process objective. The formation of two or more liquid phases in equilibrium with each other in binary and in multi component solutions adds complexity to these systems. Solid-liquid equilibrium phase diagrams for binary systems can be displayed as a function of temperature and composition at a pressure which is usually above the bubble point of the solutions. Phase diagrams showing vapor-liquid equilibrium for binary systems at constant pressure or at constant temperature are the well known Txy and Pxy diagrams. Because of the extra dimension in binary phase diagrams, vapor-liquid equilibria and solid-liquid equilibria are usually not shown in the same phase diagram. Phase diagrams for binary solutions are more complicated because they have an extra dimension, composition. This is not possible for a binary system. In a phase diagram for a pure component, solid-liquid, vapor-liquid, solid-vapor, and solid-solid equilibria can be shown in the same diagram. Phase diagrams for pure compounds are visual tools to display the properties of pure compounds forming various phases at different temperatures and pressures. A phase diagram shows the conditions at which different phases are in thermodynamic equilibrium. Process design, simulation, and optimization requires accurate phase diagrams.

Excel ternary diagram